Brockville Pipes and Drums

Brockville, Ontario

Sunday, February 9, 2025

North Country Citation Plate

Citation to accompany the award of the North Country Citation Plate, the 22nd day of May 2022, St. Lawrence University

"St. Lawrence University awards the North Country Citation of 2022 to the Brockville Pipes & Drums. Since its inception in 1931, this parade and concert band has lent its distinctive musical voice to events throughout our community, which spans the international border from eastern Ontario to northern New York. The Brockville Pipes & Drums have added immeasurable richness and joy to some of the most important moments in the lives of generations of Laurentian students and families. It is our honor to recognize one of the oldest pipe bands in Canada — also a volunteer organization — for its work with veterans and its participation in parades, and countless ceremonies, including graduations in New York’s North Country."

Pipe Major Stewart Nimmo receiving the North Country
Citation Plate from University President Kathryn Morris.

The award, made during the 2022 Graduation Ceremonies, was received by Pipe Major Stewart Nimmo. Stewart acknowledged past and present band members noting, "This Citation is an honour earned by many, many Band members over the more than 25 years the Band has played at SLU and at a large number of civic parades and festivals around northern New York. Congratulations to all!"